LedgerFusion Cash Flow Expertise



Cash flow statements prepared under the indirect method, also known as the reconciliation method, are one of the two primary ways to present a company's cash flows in its financial statements. The indirect method starts with the net income from the income statement and adjusts for non-cash items and changes in working capital to arrive at the net cash flow from operating activities. Here's how you typically create a cash flow statement under the indirect method:


1. Operating Activities :

A] Net Income :

Start with the net income figure from the income statement. This represents the profit the company earned during the period.


B] Add Back Depreciation and Amortization :

These are non-cash expenses. Since they don't involve actual cash outflows, they are added back to the net income.


C] Subtract Non-operating Expenses :

Remove any non-operating expenses, such as interest and income tax expenses, because they are not part of the operating cash flows.


D] Adjust for Changes in Working Capital :

Make adjustments for changes in working capital accounts, such as accounts receivable, accounts payable, and inventory. An increase in accounts receivable or inventory represents cash outflows (subtracted), while an increase in accounts payable represents a cash inflow (added).


2. Investing Activities:


A] Cash Inflows :

Include cash received from the sale of assets like property, plant, and equipment (PPE), as well as from the sale of investments.


B] Cash Outflows :

Account for cash payments for the purchase of PPE, investments, and other assets.

cashflow investing activity

3. Financing Activities : 


A] Cash Inflows :

Include cash received from issuing stocks, bonds, or other financing instruments.


B] Cash Outflows :

Account for cash paid for the repurchase of stocks, repayment of loans, or the payment of dividends.

financing cashflow

4. Net Change in Cash :

Calculate the net change in cash and cash equivalents by summing the cash flows from operating, investing, and financing activities.


5. Opening and Closing Cash Balances:

Determine the opening and closing cash and cash equivalent balances for the period.


6. Reconciliation :

Reconcile the opening and closing cash balances by adding the net change in cash to the opening balance. The result should match the closing balance.

cashflow reconsilation


The indirect method cash flow statement provides insights into how a company generates and uses cash, making it useful for assessing a company's liquidity and financial health. It reconciles the net income reported on the income statement with the actual cash generated or used during the period.


It's important to note that while the indirect method is widely used, some entities, particularly smaller companies, may opt for the direct method, which directly reports major categories of cash receipts and payments. However, the indirect method is more common due to its simplicity and compliance with accounting standards.


Reference: General Instructions for Cash-flow

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