GSTR-2A Reconciliation

GSTR-2A Reconciliation is reconciliation of 2A data from GSTR portal and Purchases or Expenses data in tally.  LedgerVision uses JSON format of GSTR-2A file provided on GST Portal.


For GSTR-2A Reconciliation to work, Sundry Creditors and Debtors should have GSTN numbers specified in Tally Ledger Master.


Many a times, complete invoice number is not entered in Tally while passing accounting entry. LedgerVision gives Probable Match report which can check number or text pattern in invoice numbers. Patterns Searches available in LedgerVision are:

  • Exact Match
  • Contains Invoice Number
  • Ignore Special Characters
  • Ignore Spaces in Between
  • Match from Left Side
  • Match from Right Side


For e.g. Invoice Number in GSTR-2A JSON is TRI/18-19/2186 but in tally Invoice Number is only 2186. LedgerVision will match last 4 digits and if invoice amount and GST amount matches, then it is termed as Probable Match. This reduces mismatch count to great extend.


Visit our Youtube Channel for GSTR2A Reconciliation Feature Video