LedgerVision Software Consists of 3 Modules


Ledger Scrutiny

Tally Ledger Scrutiny Time Reduced from Days to Minutes. GST Audit & Tax Audit.

Reconcile OB

OB Reconciliation Module updates Opening Balances of Tally Ledgers.  This is useful when closing balances from previous tally company is to be copied over to new Tally Company. All the selected ledgers can be updated at once in Tally.

GSTR2A & GSTR2B Reconciliation

GSTR2A & GSTR2B Reconciliation Module will help you reconcile GSTR2A or GSTR2B JSON files with Tally Data.
Upload JSON files and select Tally Company Details. Application will find Invoices based on Invoice / Bill Ref. It will also find the invoices that are present in Tally but not available in GSTR2A or GSTR2B JSON File.

* Reconcile OB and GSTR2A Reconciliation modules are complimentary and are not charged in the Product Pricing
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